A vote for Tara is a vote for…

  • Civility in town affairs

  • Inclusive governance

  • Thoughtful leadership

Fairer taxes for residents

I believe residents deserve a Select Board member who represents them, their concerns and their priorities. Addressing our tax rate is my top priority.

Infrastructure and Future Planning

All residents benefit from intentional planning and investment in our downtown area. I believe we need to improve the walkability of our downtown and create a vision for the long-term development of our community and downtown area.

MBTA Communities Zoning

Reading is tasked with changing our zoning to comply with a new state law. This is an opportunity for town staff and residents to come together to create intentional, tasteful, and thoughtful zoning.

Improving Accessibility

Let’s bring Reading forward to meet the accessibility needs of our community by removing unnecessary barriers.


Feel free to contact Tara with any questions.
